Industry Spotlight: a renowned quant speaks on data science and investing

Dr. Joseph Simonian is a data scientist and co-editor of the Journal of Financial Data Science. He shares his thoughts on the impact of data science, causal networks, and reinforcement learning on the investment process. How is data ...
5 min read

The Secret Sauce to Source Multi-Manager Funds

Multi-manager funds have recently experienced remarkable growth in terms of asset acquisition. The rationale behind investors increasingly allocating their hedge fund investments towards these funds is understandable; they consistently ...
6 min read

Japan's Financial Revolution: A Journey From Economic Stagnation to Growth

The Nikkei index has now scaled heights unseen since 1990. Is it finally the time to be more optimistic on Japan? Japan stands on the threshold of being the premier market globally for earnings growth in the coming decade. The prospect of ...
6 min read

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The RC Hedge Fund Crowdedness Index

This is the second part of a two-part publication regarding crowd sentiment in factor investing. In the first part of this analysis, Hedge Fund Crowdedness – Resonanz Capital we discussed what crowd sentiment is and why investors should ...
7 min read

Industry Spotlight: Systematica Investments

Dr. Matthias Hagmann is a Product Manager at Systematica Investments. His research is published in high-profile academic journals such as Econometrica and the Journal of Econometrics. We discuss his thoughts on alternative CTA strategies ...
5 min read

Managing the Denominator Effect: A Portfolio Trading Perspective

The market downturn last year presented a vortex of formidable challenges to investors. Most significantly, the rapid decline in prices for publicly-traded securities bred the emergence of portfolio imbalances. This created an unexpected ...
7 min read

Will America Default?

The US government technically ran out of money on January 19, 2023. The Treasury activated temporary “extraordinary measures” to meet the government’s fiduciary obligations. Federal employees, pensioners, the military, Medicare, and other ...
4 min read

Industry Spotlight: A Distinguished Hedge Fund Scholar

Dr. Vikas Agarwal is a Bank of America Distinguished Chair and Professor of Finance at Georgia State University. He’s recognized for decades of excellence, with prize winning papers, in Hedge Fund research. He shares his thoughts on ...
6 min read

The Myth of Talent in Multi-PM Platforms: Unraveling the True Drivers of Alpha Generation

Over the past few years, Multi-PM platforms have gained significant traction due to their ability to deliver high returns, low volatility, and minimal correlation to equity markets (refer to The Exclusive Club of Multi-PM Hedge Funds). ...
7 min read

The State Of Distressed Debt Investing

Since the GFC, a combination of prolonged ultra-low interest rates to sustain economic growth and fiscal and monetary backstops at times of trouble has helped support earnings growth and appreciating valuations, ultimately fueling the ...
6 min read